Answering FAQs About Drug Crimes
For more than 30 years, the defense attorneys at Bachner & Associates, PC, have represented clients facing a broad range of charges. In New York City and beyond, we encourage individuals to schedule a consultation at our office to discuss legal defense options. In the meantime, here are a few common questions.
Should I Call An Attorney For My Drug Case?
Yes. Even if you think you are facing a straightforward possession charge, it is critical that you have a skilled lawyer defending you. You might miss subtle nuances that could actually lead to more severe penalties. Your attorney can protect you, guide you and fight on your behalf either through negotiation with the prosecutor or in court.
What Types Of Penalties Could I Face If Charged With A Drug Crime?
Numerous factors influence the consequences you might face if convicted. Typically, the severity of the charge, whether it’s a felony or misdemeanor, the type of substance, the amount of the substance and any history of drug crimes can all impact the charge. Criminal penalties can range from fines to community service to jail time. A criminal defense attorney can take a thorough look at your charge and explain the consequences you face.
What Is An Unwarranted Search?
Illegal search and seizure can be a serious problem for the prosecutor. Police are required to meet certain levels of legality in searching a suspect’s private property. From a traffic stop to searching a residence, an unlawful search bans the prosecution from using any of the evidence obtained from that search. This does not necessarily mean that the charges will be dismissed, but it may keep the prosecution from using certain evidence against you.
Schedule A Consultation At Our New York City Office
Our attorneys can help ensure that your rights are protected throughout the course of fighting any drug charges you are facing. Contact Bachner & Associates, PC, online or by calling 917-639-5370 to arrange your consultation.